Terms of Service

AVERAL GLOBAL INC (hereinafter referred to as "the company") formulates the following system and wallet members' terms of use regarding the use of the wallet system, points and use of the company's payment services. When using this service, Users are deemed to have given their effective and irrevocable consent to both terms and should abide by these terms.

Last updated: 05/09/2022

System Terms of Service

Article 1 (Definition)

In this agreement, the following terms shall be used with the following meanings.
"The wallet system" refers to the wallet issued and managed by the company.
"Points" refers to electronic money independently issued and managed by the company.
"The company's payment service" refers to the service provided by the company that allows you to use online points to make payments on websites on the Internet.
"Points" refers to the "prepaid ID" type electronic money, which uses the 16-digit PIN (ID) issuance/authentication bound to the wallet system used by the user to perform "the company's payment service".
"Member Store" refers to a corporation or individual that is in a contractual relationship with our company.
"Sales agent" refers to a company that exchanges and sells "points" in compliance with the sales consignment contract signed with the company.
"User" refers to a corporation and individual who use "points", "the wallet system" and "the company's payment service".

Article 2 (Scope of Application of this Agreement and Procedures for Changes)

This Agreement is applicable between the Company and all users.
If the Company deems it necessary, the Company may change the Terms of Use at any time without prior notice to the User.

Article 3 (Acquiring points)

Users can acquire points by purchasing from this site, exchange / sales agents, or by gift from campaigns conducted by our website or member stores, etc.

Article 4 (Providing points)

The balance unit of this wallet system is "points", and has a value of "1 point = 1 JPY".
You can check the points and the face value at the time of purchase by any of the following methods.
Display in email
Display in a browser
Indication by other methods specified by the Company

Article 5 (Use of points)

User should be able to use points to purchase products, etc. sold at member stores through how to use described on this website.
Troubles and disputes, etc. arising from the transaction between the user and the member store shall be resolved between the user and the member store, and the company is not responsible for any troubles or disputes, etc. between the user and the member store.
Even if the contract between the user and the member store is invalid, canceled or being canceled, the company shall not be obliged to reissue points or return the balance to the user.
Transactions between you and merchants are conducted at your own risk and expense. We do not act on behalf of merchants, nor do we endorse any transactions with merchants.
We are not responsible for any damages incurred by you or any third party in connection with the merchant.

Article 6 (Reissue)

The Company will not replace, reissue, or refund the card for any reason.

Article 7 (Available Balance)

User can only use the company''s payment service within the current available balance provided by the wallet system. The user can check the available balance from the wallet screen.
The company can set an expiration date for the issued points and balance. If the company changes the policy and sets an effective date for the issued points, we will notify the the customer in advance through the registered email address or the email address registered in the wallet, and and the effective date will be set for the points after sufficient time has passed.

Article 8 (Management of prepaid ID)

Users shall manage and use their prepaid IDs strictly at their own risk, and the Company shall not be liable for any damage caused by misuse or unauthorized use of prepaid IDs by users or other third parties.

Article 9 (Prohibited Matters)

The lending or selling of prepaid IDs and wallet accounts (other than those approved by the Company) is strictly prohibited. If it is discovered, the Company may suspend the account with its authority. The user shall not perform the following acts.
The act of using the company''s payment service with a prepaid ID owned by someone other than the user.
Act of transferring of the account of this wallet system to a third party
Acts of using counterfeit or altered points in our payment service
Acts that infringe or may infringe the rights or legal interests of the Company or a third party.
Criminal acts or potential criminal acts.
Actions that are or may be offensive to public order and morals.
Acts that are or may be in violation of laws and regulations.
Other acts that interfere with and hinder the use of this wallet service

Article 10 (Termination of use of this wallet account)

The company may terminate the use of the wallet account or reduce the balance to zero if there is an act that violates Article 9 (Prohibited Matters) of this Agreement or if a risk of such an act is determined.

Article 11 (Interruption / Cancellation of Our Payment Service)

In case of the following circumstances, the company''s payment service may be delayed, changed, or suspended.
In case of performing maintenance, inspection, etc. of the company''s payment service system
In case of the company''s payment service system fails
In the event of a natural disaster, communication line failure, or other unavoidable circumstances.
The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by users or third parties due to such suspension or discontinuation.

Article 12 (Termination of our payment service)

The Company may terminate the issuance or use of points after a prior notice due to changes in social conditions, revision or abolition of laws and regulations, or other circumstances of the company.

Article 13 (Antisocial forces)

If the company determines that the user is related to antisocial forces such as the underworld or its members, or is associated with antisocial force, the company shall restrict the customer to use any service provided by the company, and the wallet system should be able to reduce the prepaid ID balance to zero etc.

Article 14 (Indemnity)

If the user suffers damage due to the company’s negligence, the company’s liability for damages should be limited to the available balance (number of points) of the wallet system prepaid ID held by the user at the time of the incident, and related indirect damages, special damages and loss of profits, the company shall not be liable for damages that are predictable or unpredictable.

Article 15 (Change of the agreement)

When changes shall be applied on this agreement, the company will notify it on the wallet system, etc. after a certain period of advance notice, and automatically apply the changed agreement after the notice period has passed.

Terms of use for wallet members

Article 1 (Definitions)

In this agreement, the following terms shall be used with the following meanings.

"Member" refers to a user who has agreed to the Terms of Use and this Agreement and has completed the procedures stipulated in Article 2 of this Agreement.
"Terms of Use" refers to the "Terms of Use" published on this website.
Registration refers to the procedure of creating a wallet in accordance with the Terms of Use and these terms between the Company and the member.
"This wallet system" refers to a wallet issued and managed by the Company, and is a service provided to users who have created a wallet and registered as a member.
"Points" refers to electronic money independently issued and managed by the company.
"The company's payment service" refers to the service provided by our company that allows customers to use online "points" to make payments on websites on the Internet.
"Points" refers to the "prepaid ID" type electronic money, which uses the 16-digit PIN (ID) issuance/authentication bound to the wallet system used by the user to perform "the company's payment service".

Article 2 (Wallet and membership registration)

Those who can create a wallet and register as a member shall meet all of the following conditions.
For individuals under the age of 20, the consent of a legal representative, whether express or implied, must be obtained.
Accurate registration of the items specified by the Company.
You must meet the other membership registration qualifications as determined by the Company from time to time.
By entering the necessary information in the form provided by the Company on the member registration screen of the website and clicking the "Register" button, the prospective member will be deemed to have completed the registration process after agreeing to the Terms of Use and this Agreement.

Article 3 (Responsibility for Management of User Name and Password)

Members shall keep their user names and passwords strictly confidential.
The Company shall not be held responsible in the event that a member forgets their username or password, cannot remember it, or has it stolen.
The Company considers any action taken using the user name and password set by a member to be an action based on the intention of the person registered as a member, and the member shall bear all responsibility for the consequences.

Article 4 (The wallet system)

Members shall comply with the following conditions In case of using this wallet system.
The prepaid ID for this wallet system shall be strictly managed with the care of an administrator.
If you withdraw from the membership, you will not be able to use this wallet system.
Acts that a third party can be re-used this wallet system, such as transferring or lending , shall be prohibited.
In addition, users have to comply with the conditions established by the company.

Article 5 (Purchase / Charge of points)

You can log in to this wallet to purchase and charge points to your dedicated prepaid ID. You can also use the account code linked to your wallet to withdraw funds from member stores as points and save them in your balance.

Article 6 (Usage record)

After the time limit specified by the company expires, the usage records and details will be automatically deleted.

Article 7 (Prohibited matters for members)

Acts that violate laws and regulations or public order and morality.
Acts of using the wallet service with points that are illegally acquired.
Unauthorized access or other acts that interfere with the operation of this service.
In addition to the above, acts that illegally infringe the rights of the company, other members, or other third parties.
The company shall be able to suspend the use of the service by the member if the member is determined to be fell under any of the items in the preceding paragraph.

Article 8 (Disclaimer)

If the company deems it necessary, we can change the content of the service or suspend the provision of the service at any time without notifying the members in advance. The company shall not responsible for any damage caused to the member due to this incidient.
Regardless of whether the information provided by the company is required by the member or not, the company will not guarantee the identifiability, calling possibility, accuracy, reliability, usefulness or other matters of the relevant information provided in this website or contents of emails sent to members , and regardless of whether the information is used or not, the company is not responsible for the results.
The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused by the use of this service.

Article 9 (Withdrawal)

Members can withdraw at any time according to the procedures prescribed by the company. In addition, the member shall not only be unable to use the service after withdrawal, but will also lose all rights regarding the service to the company.
If the member withdraws from the membership, his exclusive prepaid ID, the wallet system and the points balance will all be unavailable.

If a member has not use this service for 12 consecutive months, the Company shall be able to withdraw the member. At that time, the company will notify the member in advance through the registered email address or the email address registered in the wallet, and the membership will be withdrawn after sufficient preliminary period has passed.

Article 10 (Change of this agreement)

If the company deems it necessary, the company can change these terms at any time by posting on the website.

Article 11 (Relationship with Terms of Use)

If there is any discrepancy between the Terms of Use and the contents of this agreement, this agreement shall take precedence.